Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bulletin Board in Vincent

This bulletin board is found in Vincent Science Hall by the Psychology office. It is really intended for those people who are pyschology majors. The bulletin board, which has several famous psychologists names posted in the middle with pictures and dates and descriptions around the outside, is an informational one that was made interesting by being designed as a sort of matching game for those who see it. I think that overall the bulletin board is actually pretty good because it is a sort of game. There is a lot of information on it that people can learn from, but at the same point I think that the descriptions of were made as breif as they could be, having the smalles amount of information possible for it to be effective. The pictures and the large lettering the introduce the board really bring attention to it, and students may actually enjoy it, not only aesthetically, but intellectually as well. The pictures were large and clear, which was nice. The title of the board was large enough to catch attention and was created in the mixed case lettering. The lettering was in a font that may not exactly be highly recommended because of the curls in some of the letters, but still was pretty legible so I have no complaints there. Also, I liked the way the bulletin board has different casing for the title, then the names and dates, and then the descriptions of the people. Another good thing is that the pictures, title, and boxes of information were neatly organized on the board, leaving equal space between each and creating a nice balance. Unfortunately, there was a good bit of white space at the bottom (but I do not think the picture really captures that). Another thing I found a little bit awkward was that I felt as if there should have been another box on the one side because that is the only thing that really takes away from the balance. I also feel that if whoever the designer of the bulletin board was would have use more color, that would have made it stand out a little better. It uses very drab colors, nothing that really stands out to the eye, but still follows the rules of not using too many colors, so I guess that is good. All together, I found it to be a pretty decent bulletin board with only little things that could have been corrected.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Phi Alpha Theta- The History Honorary

I discovered this bulletin board, compiled by the fraternity I am a member of, Phi Alpha Theta-
the History Honorary. This bulletin board was located within the Spotts World Cultures building,
outside of the history department. This bulletin board caught my eye because of the bright and vivid colors that were used within the title. The bulletin board is very simple, only containing 6 words in the title and several pictures that portray the visit to West Virginia. The pictures display where the students went in West Virginia and the activities that they participated in.
The font is the correct font and it is only is two colors. The pictures are large for individuals to see and they show both activities and historical sights. I thought the history students did a very nice job compiling this board. It is very effective in persuading students to become members of this academic fraternity. The only suggestion I have would be to state the places visited so that individuals have a clear and established idea of the locations.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

World War II Bulletin

This bulletin board can be found on the second floor of McKay Education Building. This board displays a timeline of the events that happened during World War II. One of the advantages of this board is that it is huge. The person who designed this board had plenty of space to work with. I think that this boards title is a great size, it is big enough for everyone to see is, but instead of all uppercase letters it ishould be in mixed case. I also like that the title is center in the middle of the board. I did not have to look around every where to find out what the bulletin board was about. The creator did an excellent job with not making the board too colorful, and the colors actually work together, but I do not think that it is a very attractive color scheme. If the creator wanted to stick with the color blue, I think that he/ she should have used green or even a darker blue for the title. I also like the idea that there is a boarder around this bullentin board. The border helped draw me into the center of the board where all the information is. I think this board has a great idea and concept, but I also think that there is a little more than enough information on the board. Although most of the objects on the board are pictures, I still think that it is a great amount of information. I am not sure if someone would actually stop to took at everything on this bulletin board. I also think that since the board was exceptionally large, there was more room for more creativity as far a where everything on the board was placed. There is also text on the bulletin board that talks about some of the pictures. I think that the text in the descriptions of the pictures should have been in a larger font so it would be easier to read.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Writing Center

I found this bulletin board in the Spotts World Cultures Building on campus. For many people who are not English majors, they may not be informed to a great extent on the services the Writing Center offers all students on campus. In our English courses we are told about the Writing Center all the time but it's a completely different story in my non-major courses. I found the bulletin board to be extremely informative and for anybody who does not know the services offered here, the bulletin board does a great job listing the services in a fun and creative way. The creators used mixed fonts and upper and lower case letters in the title. I do not think the use of all capital letters in the center title, "SHARPEN YOUR WRITING SKILLS," section is a hindrance to the theme or validity of the bulletin board at all. I think the choice to make the letters as such gets the point across as to what the Writing Center could do for your writing. Also, the size of the font was also very effective in that all information can easily read from the opposite side of the hallway. However, the bulletin board seemed to be a bit outdated in that some of the letters were either damaged or missing. Otherwise, the strengths of the board are its colors, that tie into our school colors, and the simplicity of the information provided. If I did not know about the Writing Center, this board would certainly bring me up to speed in yet another helpful service my tuition is paying for.

The American Sign Language Club

I discovered this bulletin board within the Spotts World Cultures Building. It is a bulletin board for the American Sign Language Club. I found this board to be very informative because it presents the basic alphabet and provides examples of various words that are common. It discusses the importance of understanding and learning sign language and it informs the viewer of various events that utilize sign language.
This bulletin board is very colorful and it immediately caught my attention as I passed it. It only uses 5 primary colors and event though a lot of information is displayed, the message is clear and consistent. Handouts of the signing alphabet are provided; this interactive feature allows people to have a form of remembrance.
The poor features of the bulletin board is that there are more than 3 primary colors and that there is a lot of writing in a small amount of space. If I were to alternate this bulletin board, I would remove some of the featured words from the board in order to provide more information about the club itself (times, people in charge, etc.). I would make the print larger for the informative features pertaining to the club itself.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Flintstones!

This board was done by a student teacher last semester at the Pine Richland School District. It was to help the special education students with their communication skills. I like this board because it presents one basic idea, communication. It is simple and to the point. I also love it because it is interactive. The white bubbles can be taken down by the teacher and then the students can write their responses on them. It has a border and can look very inviting to the student because of the cartoon aspect it has.
The things I would change about the board is give it an actual heading and get rid of the multiple blue bubbles at the top. I would also tone down the use of color, choosing only three or four at the most. I may even change the boarder, using a darker solid color to draw the attention of the content more inward for the student. Besides all of these facts I still feel very drawn to the the board and I believe students would be as well.